Saturday, November 18, 2023

Blog #10

     I enjoyed working on Assignment 5! I thought it was fun to pick whatever topic we wanted and we really got to be creative and free with it. One of the skills I learned was how to switch slides with a shape icon, and just press it for a trivia/jeopardy effect. I thought that was cool and really brought my trivia to life. For this assignment, I gave myself more time than the previous one, which is a goal I gave myself, and I really think it worked in my favor. Overall a fun project! 

    My favorite blog to read from everyone in the classroom was our first blog that we wrote. I thought it was cool to get to know my peers that I am with twice a week. It was nice to learn about their passions and what they overall want to do with their lives. I also liked how different everyone's blog homepage was. It  gave me insight into that person and I thought it was great! 

    A technology related skill I would like to learn next is how to use excel and google sheets. Thankfully, I have learned that this is something the class will be learning how to use when we return from the break. I used excel when I was taking biology and chemistry lab and absolutely hated it. It was something I feel we never got properly introduced to and were just thrown in to use it. I know in this class, excel will be thoroughly shown to us, so I will really understand it. 

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Blog #10

      I enjoyed working on Assignment 5! I thought it was fun to pick whatever topic we wanted and we really got to be creative and free wit...